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Zhuhai Feichi Marine Technology Co.,Ltd


       公司主营的船舶类型:钢铝执法艇、公务船;钢质和铝合⾦钓⻥艇;玻璃 钢双体船、游艇、客船、电动船;铝合⾦⽆⼈艇、碳纤维产品等。 公司主营业务:船艇制造、研发、设计;船艇室内外装修和劳务承包;船 ⽤零配件销售、整体卫⽣间的设计和制作、配电板的设计和制作、各类船 艇的翻新、维修、保养和船舶家具的⽣产。
       公司⽬前有150多名专业船舶技术⼯⼈,其中包括:模具及装修⽊⼯、精 修油漆⼯和船舶电⼯、轮机⼯等,公司⾥80%的⼀线员⼯都具有10年以上 的造船经验;其中,船体、机、电⼯程师和⽣产管理⼈员有40余名,且都 具有15年以上的船艇设计经验和监督现场施⼯的管理能⼒。


 Zhuhai Feichi Marine Technology Co., Ltd was established in 2011. We have more than 150 professionals with over 10 years of relevant experience, who have an excellent command of design and management ability. 

  We stick to the principle of pursuing professional, innovation and great quality. Our main business lines are luxury yacht, official ship and passenger ship. 

  In recent years, companies import modern technology and launch new products constantly, winning an excellent reputation among clients. Mutual benefits and common success are our business goals.


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